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Recruitment of a temporary team assistant- UNECA- UNHCR – Ethiopia

Recruitment of a temporary team assistant- UNECA- UNHCR – Ethiopia

Publié : 

Categories : Avis de recrutement

Regions : Éthiopie

Temporary Team Assistant- UNECA- UNHCC
Procurement Process :RFP – Request for proposal
Office :UNDP Ethiopia – ETHIOPIA
Deadline :18-Dec-18
Development Area :CONSULTANTS
Reference Number :52044
Link to Atlas Project :
Non-UNDP Project
Documents :
Bidder Guide E-tendering

Overview :

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on behalf of UNECA is looking for Temporary Team assistant. In consideration of your qualifications, we are hereby inviting you to submit an offer for this particular assignment.

Detailed Terms of Reference as well as other relevant documents including application form are available on UNDP ATLAS e-Tendering system” ( UNDP/ETH10/Event ID: 0000003199.

Your offer, comprising of a Technical and Financial Proposal, should be submitted in accordance with the invitation, through UNDP ATLAS e-Tendering system and by the deadline indicated in

NOTE!: The Financial Proposal, Technical Proposal, P11 and required files MUST BE COMPLETELY SEPARATE and uploaded separately in the system and clearly named as either “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” or “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”, and the like as appropriate. Each document shall include the Applicant’s name and address.

Note : do not enter proposal price in the system, instead enter one (1).

In the course of preparing and submitting your Proposal, it shall remain your responsibility to ensure that it is submitted into the system by the deadline. The system will automatically block and not accept any bid after the deadlineIn case of any discrepancies deadline indicated in the e-Tendering system shall prevail.

Kindly ensure that supporting documents required are signed and in the .pdf format, and free from any virus or corrupted files.

Note!: The File name should contain only Latin characters (No Cyrillic or other alphabets).

You are kindly requested to indicate whether you are intends to submit a Proposal by clicking on “Accept Invitation” button. If that is not the case, UNDP would appreciate your indicating the reason, for our records.

If you have not registered in the system before, you can register now by logging in using

username : event.guest

password : why2change

The step by step instructions for registration of bidders and quotation submission through the UNDP ATLAS e-Tendering system is available in the “Instructions Manual for the Bidders”, attached. Should you require any training on the UNDP ATLAS e-Tendering system or face with any difficulties when registering your company or submitting your quotation, please send an email to    cc :

For Technical assistance on the e-tendering site please contract

Please note that ATLAS has following minimum requirements for password :

  1. Minimum length of 8 characters.
  2. At least on capital letter.
  3. At least one number.

New bidder registering for first time, system will not accept any password that does not meet the above requirements and thus registration cannot be completed.

For already existing bidders whose current password does not meet the criteria, when signing in , system will prompt you to change the password, and it will not accept a new password that does not meet requirement.

Online video guidelines available on the following link :

The bidders are advised to use Internet Explorer (Version 10 or above) to avoid any compatibility issues with the e-tendering system.

No hard copy or email submissions will be accepted by UNDP.