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Avis d’appel d’offre pour l’étude sur la diversification économique et l’amélioration de la productivité en Zambie

Avis d’appel d’offre pour l’étude sur la diversification économique et l’amélioration de la productivité en Zambie

Publié : 

Categories : Avis d'appel d'offres

Domaines : Comptabilité - Gestion - Audit - Gestion de projetsEconomie - Statistique - Démographie

Regions : Zambie

Avis d’appel d’offre pour l’étude sur la diversification économique et l’amélioration de la productivité en Zambie






The Study on Economic Diversification and Productivity Improvement in Zambia (COZM).

  1. The Country Office of the African Development Bank (“the Bank”) has the broad objectives of promoting development through economic and social sector initiatives ;
  1. The Bank hereby invites qualified Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in conducting research on – “Economic Diversification and Productivity Improvement in Zambia” ;
  1. The study is important in informing the Bank Group’s Economic Sector Work in addressing the critical issue of economic diversification and increasing productivity in Zambia. Again, it is pertinent to indicate that the study is urgently needed against the backdrop of the country’s dependence on the mining sector and the associated external vulnerability to international commodity price fluctuation, and the need to have a more resilient and sustainable economy ;
  1. Interested Consultants shall provide information through their CV on their qualifications and experience demonstrating their ability to undertake this Assignment (documents, reference to similar services, experience in similar assignments, etc.) ;
  1. The eligibility criteria, the establishment of a short list and the selection procedure shall be in conformity with the Bank’s Procurement Policy Framework for projects financed by the Bank Group, October 2015 Edition, available on the Bank Website at ;
  1. The estimated duration of services is Twelve (12) weeks. The estimated starting date is 10th April 2022. The services will be delivered from Lusaka, Zambia ;
  1. Interested Individual Consultants may obtain further information at the email address below during the Bank’s working hours: from 09:00 to 17:00 hours ;
  1. Expressions of interest must be received by email below no later than 1st April 202022 at 17:00 hours local time to (Dr. Nathaniel Agola) and specifically mentioning “EOI for the study on Economic Diversification and Productivity Improvement in Zambia”.


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