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Avis d’appel d’offre pour le projet d’appui institution de la gouvernance et de la gestion des finances publiques, Zimbabwe

Avis d’appel d’offre pour le projet d’appui institution de la gouvernance et de la gestion des finances publiques, Zimbabwe

Publié : 

Categories : Avis d'appel d'offres

Domaines : Comptabilité - Gestion - Audit - Gestion de projets

Avis d’appel d’offre pour le projet d’appui institution de la gouvernance et de la gestion des finances publiques, Zimbabwe






  1. The Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) has received a grant, an amount of UA 2.5 million, from the African Development Fund (ADF) to finance the Institutional Support for Governance and Public Finance Management Project. The Institutional Support for Governance and Public Finance Management Project aims to build upon previous and on-going Bank supported institutional support projects which contributed to strengthening public finance management, domestic resource mobilization and accountability. The Project will contribute to address drivers of fragility in the governance sector by strengthening oversight institutions and building capacity in areas of public debt management, procurement and fiduciary oversight and accountability. It will strengthen the trust between state institutions and CSOs, thereby addressing issues of social dialogue. The direct project beneficiaries include the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (PDMO), the Parliament of Zimbabwe (PoZ) and the Procurement Regulatory Authority (PRAZ). The indirect beneficiaries are the general population of Zimbabwe, the civil society and the private sector, who will benefit from enhanced economic growth and poverty reduction through to improved transparency, accountability and efficiency in PFM systems as well as improved participation of civil society through advocacy and public oversight ;
  1. The overall objective of this project is to enhance macro-stability through strengthening public sector effectiveness and accountability. The modes of procurement to be used in the project are: Request for Quotation (RFQ); Open Competitive Bidding National (OCB National); Least Cost Selection (LCS); and Individual Consultants ;
  1. The project includes the following components :

Component 1 : Enhancing Public Sector Effectiveness (Public Debt Management and Procurement) Through this component, support will include provision of technical assistance for the elaboration of an Arrears Clearance Road map and other aspects to strengthen the debt management capacity of the PDMO and institutional enhancement of PRAZ and support for training procurement and accounting officers, special interest groups such as SMEs and women as well as enforcement entities.

Component 2 : Promoting Inclusive Governance, Accountability : This component aims to support the Parliament of Zimbabwe’s Public Accounts Committee and the Committee on Budget Finance and Economic Development, Parliament’s engagements with civil society and the development of training modules for the Parliamentary Training Academy for sustainability

Component 3 : Project management support : This component entails overall coordination of activities to ensure project success, the Bank will support the Project Management systems in conducting Annual Financial and Procurement Audits, Project Evaluation and other operational costs necessary for smooth project implementation.

  1. Procurement of goods and acquisition of the services of consultants will be in accordance with the Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, dated October 2015. Bidding documents are expected to be available in April 2022 ;
  1. Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting :  The Project Implementation Team, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Mungandani Dlodlo Building, Block E ,2nd Floor, Cnr S. V Muzenda Street and S.Machel, Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe, +263 242 795428. E-mail : ;