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Avis d’appel d’offre pour le développement durable des entreprises pour les femmes et les jeunes, Zimbabwe

Avis d’appel d’offre pour le développement durable des entreprises pour les femmes et les jeunes, Zimbabwe

Publié : 

Categories : Avis d'appel d'offres

Domaines : Comptabilité - Gestion - Audit - Gestion de projets

Regions : Zimbabwe

Avis d’appel d’offre pour le développement durable des entreprises pour les femmes et les jeunes, Zimbabwe




PROJECT ID : P-ZW-100-002


  1. The Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) has received a grant, an amount of UA 2.5 million, from the African Development Fund (ADF) to finance the Sustainable Enterprise Development for Women and Youth (SEDWY). The Sustainable Enterprise Development for Women and Youth Project aims to economically empower youth and women in agricultural and small-scale mining sectors from situations of economic vulnerability. The project seeks to harness the potential of youth and women by addressing their capacity gaps and enabling environment to stimulate value addition and beneficiation along the target value chains to improve decent job creation for the skilled and semi-skilled youth and women. The project also aims at contributing to the reduction of youth unemployment and gender inequality, through entrepreneurship and sustainable enterprises development interventions; gender capacity development; reduction of imbalances and addressing shortage of skills, among women and youth through interventions that will build technical and business skills related to targeted subsectors ;
  1. The principal objective of this project is to improve incomes and creation of decent jobs for women and youth in the horticulture, dairy and small-scale mining value chains through capacity development and access to markets. The modes of procurement to be used in the project are: Request for Quotation (RFQ); Open Competitive Bidding (OCB); Least Cost Selection (LCS); and Individual Consultants ;
  1. The project includes the following components :
  • Component 1: Strengthening Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Infrastructure and Business Development Services : Through this component SED4WAY will primarily support the Government of Zimbabwe by facilitating entrepreneurship development, advisory services and value chain relevant technical training or support ;
  • Component 2: Institutional Support, Enabling Frameworks and Access to Markets : This component aims to improve the enabling environment for gender and youth inclusion in the horticulture, fruit, dairy and mineral value chains while promoting smart and sustainable mineral processing. The component also aims to facilitate access of supported youth and women to local and cross border markets in order to improve their earnings and generate the much-needed foreign currency ;
  • Component 3: Project management support: This component entails overall coordination of activities to ensure project success, the Bank will support the Project Management systems in conducting Annual Financial and Procurement Audits, Project Evaluation and other operational costs necessary for smooth project implementation.
  1. Procurement of goods and acquisition of the services shall be in accordance with the Bank’s Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, dated October 2015. Bidding documents are expected to be available in April 2022 ;
  1. Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting : The Project Implementation Team, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Mgandane Dlodlo Building, Block E ,2nd Floor, Cnr Simon V. Muzenda Street and Samora Machel Ave, Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe, +263 242 795428. E-mail : ;